Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic, vigorous practice linking breath to movement through a progressive series of poses codified by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India (1919-2009). Generating strong internal heat, it's known for its ability to purify the body, mind, and spirit. Classes at Mountain Light Ashtanga are offered as individual instruction within a group setting, called Mysore-style after the way it's taught in India. Instruction is tailored to each student, both verbally and through physical adjustments. Distinct from led classes in which the teacher sets the pace, students are able to find their own breath and rhythm, enabling a deeply meditative and powerful practice.

Image copyright Mountain Light Ashtanga Yoga.

Image copyright Mountain Light Ashtanga Yoga.
Classes are taught by Hännah Marciniak, a dedicated student and experienced teacher of the rich traditions of yoga. Hännah brings authenticity, insight, and loving kindness to supporting individuals where they are right now. Having found the deeply integrating, healing practices of yoga in 2002, she is a long-term student of Nancy Gilgoff who began practicing with Pattabhi Jois in 1973 (http://www.ashtangamaui.com/nancy), and her journey has taken her to study directly in India with the Jois family in Mysore and the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai. Forever a student on this path, she is currently studying yoga therapy with Dr. Ganesh Mohan, A.G. Mohan, and Indra Mohan of Svastha Yoga in Chennai (https://www.svastha.net/).

Classes are hosted in the Bend Yoga Therapy studio, a private sanctuary on Bend's westside, near downtown. Designed to welcome private and small-group lessons, it's a peaceful space perfect for supporting personalized instruction and growth.